Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An Afternoon Wedding Shower

I was asked to help host a wedding shower in late May. The shower menu featured mostly old standbys like Cucumber Sandwiches, Goatcheese and Caramelized Onion Tarts, Spinach Dip, Oreo Truffles and Mini Lime Cupcakes. The company of the other hostesses was fantastic. One hostess attempted to make key lime flavored cake truffles which I thought was a great flavor idea to try later. (She didn't like how they looked so she just brought them for us to enjoy while we plated the food- they were delicious!)
We were able to use all the pink hydrangeas from the one pink producing plant that I have- it was just enough for the centerpiece and small little bowls down the middle of the table.
We served Grandmother's recipe of orange punch (with tartaric acid), but instead of normal punch cups we thought it would be more celebratory to serve it in champagne flutes. I made little flags for the stems of the flutes out of the paper that I used to make the invites.
Drinking out of flutes successfully made things seem more festive!

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